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Clo 8

Practice systematic application of citation conventions

When you use sources that are not yours, you have to cite them. And cite then in MLA format. Don’t just copy the link of your source and think you are done. No, you have to find the MLA citation machine, copy and paste your link and then convert to MLA format. This goes at the very end of your paper.

Also, when citing a source that is not yours, you have to put the authors name and the page number from which you got it from, if your source is a book. An example is: “Significantly, he observed that they would make excellent servants and laborers. (Symcox and Sullivan 15). This is an example from my argumentative essay.

Citations are very important no matter what genre of paper you are writing. As long as it is not from you, you have to cite it. I learnt the importance of citations from Professor Carr and Engl 11000.