Home » Exigence


I had never heard of the word exigence till I was in Engl 11000 with Professor Carr. I had no idea what it was and still don’t have a clear understanding of what it is. I know it is a rhetorical element. But what is it used for, I don’t know. I am going to figure it out as I write to you.

From what I know so far, Exigence is what makes the author to write. It sounds exactly like the definition of purpose, but then I don’t know the exact difference between them.

According to Google, “Exigence is what prompts the writing” while “Purpose is the intended outcome” the writer wants. This helps me understand the difference a bit more easily.

In my assignments, I still don’t know where I used and was supposed to use Exigence in my writing. Maybe as I progress in my writing skills, I will know as time goes by.